Welcome to the PROSpect study!

Prone and Oscillation Pediatric Clinical Trial – or PROSpect for short.

The goal of the study is to find out how best to help children on a breathing machine with a serious lung injury. We also want to learn more about how children do after they go home from the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit).


While your child is in the hospital:

Children with respiratory failure require breathing support. After you give your permission, your child will be placed in one of four groups, randomly, like rolling dice. There are different types of breathing machines and positions that can be used in children who are sick on a breathing machine. This study hopes to find out if one of two types of breathing machines and one of two different positions are better than the other in reducing the number of days children spend on breathing machines.

For children in the United States, we also survey families about their experience after a child goes home:

The rest of the study will take place for one year after your child has left the PICU. You will not have to return to the hospital for this part of the study. Instead, the study team will contact you 4 times to complete a survey that asks questions about how your child is doing.  You will be able to complete these surveys on the computer or over the phone.

After completing the 4 follow-up surveys you will receive a $50.00.  There is no cost to you to participate in this study.

See the Follow-Up Survey Info page for more information about completing the follow-up surveys.

If you have any questions about PROSpect please contact the CCC - curley@nursing.upenn.edu 

Thank you for being a part of PROSpect!